LeBron James Jr. Appears to Have Figured Out This "Dunking" Thing

Remember this past summer when Bronny James tried his first in-game dunk and his dad gave him a standing ovation like he just became the first member of their family to go to college?

Holy shit. I know this was 9 months ago but I still cannot watch that clip without laughing. Hey King, he MISSED!!! I cannot believe my eyes every time it replays and Bronny blows a wide open layup by throwing the ball 10 rows into the stands, and then that 50-year old hype man in the bucket hat chest bumps the 8th grader like he just dunked from the foul line.

What kind of spectacle is this? AAU basketball has turned into a three-ring circus, just like LeBron (good joke, Tate). But this is old news. Let’s fast forward nine months and see what baby Bron Bron is up to. And well folks, I think he’s figured out this dunking thing…

Sheeeesh. At 14 years old? I know it’s just warmups (should be a technical, refs!), but he’s clearly become comfortable playing above the rim. If he can stay on the straight and narrow and lay off the vino, that boy is going to go #1 overall and be a problem someday. Hopefully he becomes our problem someday…

But then again, the way the Lakers are playing these days, maybe he’ll be their problem…

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